Thursday, May 26, 2005

Blah Blah...!

I saw ‘Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith’ two days ago. It was hyped as the best Star Wars movie ever, and I of course was dying to see it. Mom wanted to see ‘Naina’ instead, but I vetoed the idea and we went off to the distant suburb of Andheri to watch ‘Star Wars’ in Fun Republic, one of the many multiplexes populating Bombay suburbs.
The movie was really good! Hayden Christensen could have been much, much better unfortunately he was not. I thought the fall of Anakin Skywalker would be far more dramatic. His descent in to Darth Vader was quite impressive though!
But the actor who STOOD OUT was Ewen McGregor. Not only does he look good and has a cute accent, but also acts very well!! :D
All in all, the movie was worth traveling all the way to Andheri in a crowded local train compartment!

GO 92.5 FM, a radio station in Bombay is holding a contest called ‘Bollywood Badshah’. I’d taken part in this contest last year, and had actually qualified to be in the round that comes before the semi-finals (what do you call that??!). It was a really nice experience, going to their studio and actually being quizzed on air! I was so nervous! The RJ saw that and started singing “Urvashi Urvashi”, that famous Prabhu Deva song. Well, that did not help matters, as that song was the bane of my existence when I was in the sixth grade, as most people in my school would burst out into this song to irritate me!!
Anyway, I didn’t do very well, getting only five out of ten correct. I actually even forgot who the director of “1 2 ka 4” was!! And I’m a huge Shah Rukh Khan fan!! (In case anyone’s wondering, the director’s Shashilal Nair).
But it was quite a nice experience anyway.

I’m going to Kerala this week. Yay! I’ve always wanted to go to Kerala. The backwaters look so wonderful in all those “Kerala Tourism” ads! And I will be going at last!! As you can see, I’m very, very excited!

And here I’ll just end my ramblings. Nothing very exciting or interesting to report. Hopefully, I’ll be full of adventurous, funny, scary, or other ‘adjective’y stories to fill my blog and bore everyone to death!! Ha ha ha! Hmmm… but seriously, I don’t think I write about boring stuff, well except this once!

1 comment:

AmitKen said...

the round before semi-finals is called 'quarter-finlas' or 'pre-semifinals' :)
Kerala is lovely, hope you have a great time...

I too want a loooooong vacation :-|
